Watch Malta vs Moldova full match replay and highlights.
KICK-OFF at 16:00 (GMT) on 13th October 2024
The referee for this match is J. Brooks
Game played at Ta'Qali National
This is a match in Europe - UEFA Nations League, Group 2, Season 2024/2025
1H. Bonello
2J. Borg
5K. Shaw
4G. Mentz
3R. Camenzuli
10T. Teuma
6M. Guillaumier
11L. Montebello
7J. Mbong
19T. Buhagiar
8P. Mbong

- D. Celeadnic1
- V. Mudrac15
- D. Marandici6
- A. Crăciun14
- O. Reabciuk2
- V. Baboglo4
- A. Ioniţă7
- V. Raţă22
- S. Plătică20
- M. Caimacov11
- V. Damaşcan10

9K. Reid
13B. Tuma
14A. Satariano
22Z. Muscat
23L. Tabone
17N. Muscat
16R. Al-Tumi
21D. Vella
18J. Degabriele
12M. Grech
20A. Overend
15R. Scicluna
- M. Cojocaru13
- D. Mandrîcenco19
- V. Stînă16
- V. Postolachi17
- C. Avram12
- D. Pușcaș3
- D. Danu18
- C. Dros21
- N. Cebotari23
- A. Motoc5